You know the bed feels warmer 你知道床總是最溫暖的 Sleeping here alone 當你可以一個人佔有 You know I dream in colour 你知道我要我的夢想是繽紛的 And do the things I want 而我要活出自我 You think you got the best of me 你以為你把我打敗了 Think you had the last laugh 以為你讓我再也笑不出來 Bet you think that everything good is gone 我打賭你一定想著我再也快樂不起來 Think you left me broken down 以為你讓我支離破碎 Think that I'd come running back 以為我會哭著爬回去找你 Baby you don't know me, cause you're dead wrong 寶貝你一點都不了解我,因為你大錯特錯 What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 能傷害你的事情才能讓你更堅強 Stand a little taller 站得更高 Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone 我一個人不代表我是孤單的 What doesn't kill you makes a fighter 能傷害你的事情才能讓你變成武士 Footsteps even lighter 邁步更茁壯 Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone 你的離開不代表我要痛徹難耐 What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger 能傷害你的事情才能讓你更堅強,更堅強 Just me, myself and I 只有我跟我自己才做的到 What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 能傷害你的事情才能讓你更堅強 Stand a little taller 站得更高吧 Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone 我一個人不代表我孤單 You heard that I was starting over with someone new 你聽說了我又有了新的對象 They told you I was moving on, over you 其他人告訴你我又站起來了,就要超過你了 You didn't think that I'd come back 你沒想到我還會回來 I'd come back swinging 我腰桿直挺的走回你面前 You try to break me, but you see 你想把我打倒,但你已經明瞭 What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 能傷害你的事情才能讓你更堅強 Stand a little taller 站得更高 Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone 我一個人不代表我是孤單的 What doesn't kill you makes a fighter 能傷害你的事情才能讓你變成武士 Footsteps even lighter 邁步更茁壯 Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone 你的離開不代表我要痛徹難耐 What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger 能傷害你的事情才能讓你更堅強,更堅強 Just me, myself and I 只有我跟我自己才做的到 What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 能傷害你的事情才能讓你更堅強 Stand a little taller 站得更高吧 Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone 我一個人不代表我孤單 Thanks to you I got a new thing started 真感謝你讓我又重新出發 Thanks to you I'm not the broken-hearted 感謝你讓我變得不再脆弱 Thanks to you I'm finally thinking about me 感謝你讓我不再只為別人著想 You know in the end the day you left was just my beginning 你知道你的離開僅是我重新出發的起點 (In the end...) What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 能傷害你的事情才能讓你更堅強 Stand a little taller 站得更高 Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone 我一個人不代表我是孤單的 What doesn't kill you makes a fighter 能傷害你的事情才能讓你變成武士 Footsteps even lighter 邁步更茁壯 Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone 你的離開不代表我要痛徹難耐 What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger 能傷害你的事情才能讓你更堅強,更堅強 Just me, myself and I 只有我跟我自己才做的到 What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 能傷害你的事情才能讓你更堅強 Stand a little taller 站得更高吧 Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone 我一個人不代表我孤單