If it rains, I do not go to school.


When you arrive at Pintung train station, you can call me. 

Where I live, people are very nice.



(如果) If you pass the exam, I will give you 10 dollars.

(雖然) Though you are poor, I still want to marry you.

(因為) Because you are rich, I marry you.

(除非) Unless you give me 5 million, I do not marry you.

( 一旦)Once you pass the exam, I will buy you a car.

(即使) Even if you pass the exam, you can not enter the University.

(一旦)As soon as you arrive at train station, you take a bus.

Mr. White has two sons. One is John , and the other is Tom.  John is a good student, while Tom is a bad boy.  

While the bus arrived at train station, thousands of students rush into the doors.

While DVD players has been popular, I still like traditional tape recorder.

Unless you got a score 95, you will be fired.

Though it rains, I go to school.


  Computer hackers built a fake Google Tool Bar website to trick people into downloading a malicious program that could turn machines into “zombies,” a US Internet security firm said on Friday. 

  E-mails containing Internet links to the bogus website and invitations to download Google tool bar software began circulating this week, according to SurfControl of northern California. The phony website was a replica of the real one provided by Internet search giant Google.  

  Instead of the promised tool bar software, the site duped people into downloading a “Trojan,” malicious computer coding hidden inside a seemingly harmless offering.  

  The “malware” was designed to let hackers take control of infected computers via the Internet.


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