B:Intimacy 碧:親密 MAN:Honesty 男:誠實 B:Commitment 碧:承諾 MAN:You 男:你 B:Me 碧:我 BOTH:Us 兩者:我們
If I were a boy 如果我是個男孩 Even just for a day 就算只是一天 I' roll out of bed in the morning 早上起床後 And throw on what I wanted and go 穿上我想穿的衣服就出門 Drink beer with the guys 和哥兒們喝點小酒 And chase after girls 和美女打情罵俏 I'd kick it with who I wanted 看到誰不順眼就扁 And I'd ever get confronted for it 反正不用負責 Because they'd stick up for me 因為哥兒們會掩護我
If I were a boy 如果我是個男孩 I think I could understand 我想我可以了解 How it feels to love a girl 要怎樣去愛一個女孩 I swear I'd be a better man 我發誓我可以是個好男人 I'd listen to her 我傾聽她的每句話 Cause I know how it hurts 因為我知道當你失去摯愛後 When you lose the one you wanted 那心痛的感覺 Cause he's taken you for granted 因為他將妳的付出視為理所當然 And everything you had got destroyed 將你的一切全部摧毀
If I were a boy 如果我是個男生 I would turn off my phone 我可以關掉手機 Tell everyone its broken 然後說是手機壞了 So they think 那他們會認為 that I was sleeping alone 我是一個人睡 I'd put myself first 我只要照著自己 And make the rules as I go 想走的方向去就好了 Cause I know that she'd be faithful 反正她乖乖的 Waiting for me to come home (to come home) 等我回家
If I were a boy 如果我是男生 I think I could understand 我想我可以了解 How it feels to love a girl 要怎樣去愛一個女孩 I swear I'd be a better man 我發誓我可以是個好男人 I'd listen to her 我傾聽她的每句話 Cause I know how it hurts 因為我知道當你失去你愛的人 When you lose the one you wanted (wanted) 那種傷痛 Cause he's taken you for granted (granted) 因為他將妳的付出視為理所當然
And everything you had got destroyed 將你的一切全部摧毀
It's a little too late for you to come back 現在回頭對你來說太晚了 Say its just a mistake 承認那是個錯誤 Think I forgive you like that 還想我會原諒你 If you thought I would wait for you 如果你還認為我會等你 You thought wrong 你真的大錯特錯了
MAN: (You know ... When you act like that , I don't think you realize how it makes me look or feel ) 男: (你知道嗎! 你那樣的行為,我不認為你有顧慮到我的感受)
B:(Act like what ? Why are you so jealous ? It's not like I'm sleeping with the guy!! ) 碧: (怎樣的行為? 你幹嘛吃醋? 我又沒跟他上床!!)
MAN: (What ? ) 男: 什麼!
B: (What ? ) 碧:怎樣!
MAN:(Ha.. I said. Why are you so jealous? It's not like I'm sleeping with the girl !) 男: (哈! 我是說你幹嘛吃醋! 我又沒和她上床!!)
But you're just a boy 你只是個男生 You don't understand 你不懂 (yea you don’t understand) How it feels to love a girl 怎麼去深愛一個女孩 Someday you'll wish you were a better man 直到某天你會希望成為一個好男人 You don't listen to her 你從不聽她說 You don't care how it hurts 你也不會懂那有多痛苦 Until you lose the one you wanted 直到你自己也失去了才會了解
Cause you've taken her for granted 因為你所認知的理所當然 And everything you had got destroyed 一切都會被摧毀 But you're just a boy… 你就只個男生 |